~ Aloha ~
Take a look at the upcoming retreats listed below.
If you don’t see one that you can attend, feel free to sign up for our retreat waitlist on the bottom.
With love and devotion,
JUNE 19-24, 2024 || Big Island, Hawaii
To ascend to our next level of expansion, you're cordially invited to embark on a sacred journey of releasing the old and embracing the new. The TRANSCENDENCE Retreat is a profound opportunity for transformation and expansion through deeply sacred ceremonies and rituals. Tailored for those seeking transcendent experiences and unprecedented healing and transformation, this meticulously curated retreat offers a nourishing and secure environment for profound inner work. With a private chef, immersive integrational experiences, wisdom teachings, and the serene backdrop of Hawai’i, you'll be enveloped in love and support throughout. From musical healing experiences to cacao circles and wisdom teachings, every aspect is designed to guide you towards your highest potential. Experience the pinnacle moment of the retreat as Lotus Sky channels a personalized song for each attendee during the flower blessing, based on their intentions. Post-retreat virtual mentorship ensures ongoing support as you integrate the invaluable gifts from this profound experience into your daily life.
TBD - August 2024
The EARTH WARRIOR Retreat may be the most powerful and most valuable retreat I will hold this year. The EARTH WARRIOR Retreat is for the driven and motivated individual who has achieved themselves into a life that they no longer resonate with… You are craving a new level of passion, energy and vision towards your life… As well an upgraded inner compass and revitalized perspective. You also have a love for the Earth and desire to make a positive impact in the world. The retreat will be deeply immersive and experiential with musical journeys, wisdom teachings and sacred rituals in different power places across the Big Island of Hawai'i. You'll have the opportunity to learn, initiate, and embody the upgraded Earth Warrior Way - a framework that allows you to create from a place of wholeness and fullness, rather than creating from a place of striving and proving. The Earth Warriors are rising, awakening and are coming together to be beacons for Good in this world. You will be surrounded by other heart-centered, motivated and conscious individuals who desire to live with greater connection, full expression and purpose. In the culmination of the retreat, Lotus Sky will do a special prayer, musical activation and blessing for each individual based on your intentions.
about Lotus Sky
Lotus Sky is a musical channel and shamanic guide, born and raised in the Philippines and hailing from the Big Island of Hawaii.
Born and raised in the Philippines, daughter of intersecting ethnic lineages, initiated in the medicine path, and in command of over a decade of experience in transformation, personal development, music, and modern spirituality, Lotus Sky has devoted her life to inspire all people to discover their connectedness to Life, and to claim their unique genius with the world as they walk their own sacred way.
Lotus Sky has been called Nature Spirit, a Cosmic Channel, and Earth Angel, where her voice brings profound healing, and her shamanic offerings are truly transmissions from beyond the veil.
For more information, go to www.lotussky.com
We believe in the brilliance of humanity.
We believe in the Divinity, Beauty, Worthiness and Power of every individual.
We believe that through a spiritual path, in connection to Source, Mother Earth and one’s Soul, this brilliance can be Fully Realized, Embodied and Lived Out.
Fulfillment, happiness, inner strength, wholeness, connection, safety, inspiration, balance, love, overflow… These are our birthright and so much more.
Collectively, when we do this together, in community, we not only move closer to this individual and collective destiny - we are actively participating in the creation of the New Earth.
If this resonates with you, we invite you to join us in these immersions.
In love and service,
Lotus Sky & Team