Rebecca Hafenrichter Rebecca Hafenrichter

Alden B., Founder

With the gifts and tools provided by Lotus Sky, anything is possible. I’ve created two new product lines that are launching this fall and continue to create. I’ve levelled up my accountability to my own self care so that I may serve with a full cup.

With the gifts and tools provided by Lotus Sky, anything is possible. I’ve created two new product lines that are launching this fall and continue to create. I’ve levelled up my accountability to my own self care so that I may serve with a full cup.

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Rebecca Hafenrichter Rebecca Hafenrichter

Ken Green, Tech Leader.

When I found Lotus Sky, I was working at a job at Apple, in a toxic relationship, I had a lot of inner anger, and was unfulfilled at work. The wisdom I gained from Lotus Sky helped me to live my life from a place of connection and fulfilment, not just what looks good on paper. Working with Lotus Sky I was able to heal and develop my spiritual strength, increase my connection to my inner guidance, and follow my heart .

When I found Lotus Sky, I was working at a job at Apple, in a toxic relationship, I had a lot of inner anger, and was unfulfilled at work. The wisdom I gained from Lotus Sky helped me to live my life from a place of connection and fulfilment, not just what looks good on paper. Working with Lotus Sky I was able to heal and develop my spiritual strength, increase my connection to my inner guidance, and follow my heart.

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Rebecca Hafenrichter Rebecca Hafenrichter

Sarah, Professor and Author.

When I found Lotus Sky, I felt entirely trapped in an unfulfilling career in academia. By the end of my Illuminated Leadership mentorship I found my dream job. I collaborated with a think tank impacting policy at the level of Congress. I am getting ready to publish my second book. None of this would be possible without the guidance, care, and support of Lotus Sky.

When I found Lotus Sky, I felt entirely trapped in an unfulfilling career in academia. By the end of my Illuminated Leadership mentorship, so much changed for the better. I found my dream job. I collaborated with a think tank impacting policy at the level of Congress. I am getting ready to publish my second book. None of this would be possible without the guidance, care, and support of Lotus Sky.

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